Fun Activities for a Bridal Shower or Bachelorette Party
There are two types of bachelorette parties: the crazy type and then there is another version that is a bit more refined and elegant: the Bridal Shower.
The Bridal Shower is a party in which the center of attention is the future bride, and it is filled with gifts and attention for her. If this is the type of party you want to celebrate, here is another post where I give you some Ideas to celebrate a Bridal Shower.
We recently celebrated a bachelorette party for one of my best friends, and we did both types of parties. First in the morning we celebrated a Bridal Shower Brunch and then in the afternoon we met a larger group of girls and went out on the town. We are not a very crazy group, but we had a lot of fun and the future bride had a great time, which was the goal!
In any event it is a good idea to have activities planned for your guests to be entertained. Especially if the guests do not know each other. It’s a good opportunity to have fun and create conversation.
Well, today I bring you several fun and original activities for a Bridal Shower, for a bachelorette party or even for the wedding! This way you can keep your guests busy and above all make the bride feel even more special. You may find some of our Bridal Shower products on our Amazon Store.
1. Creative Ideas for a Romantic Date
This game is very funny, and also serves as a gift for the bride to take home at the end of the event. You just need to fill a glass or plastic jar with wooden ice cream sticks. Then, once the guests arrive, each one will be asked to fill one or more sticks with suggestions for a romantic date. Depending on the person who writes it, the suggestions can be very different and creative!
The idea is that once the bride and groom have gotten married, wheneve they go on a date, they can take out one of the sticks to do the suggested ideas their friends have recommended. It’s a fantastic idea to keep the spark of romance in a marriage! In addition, with a pretty tag and ribbon, we have a very cute little gift. 😉
2. Advice for the Bride Game
This is a good game for after the meal. Simply give a game sheet to each guest to fill out individually. Put them all together in an envelope or folder to be taken home by the bride, or to read them aloud during the party.
I think that the second option is much more fun (although they will surely make the honoree a little bit embarrassed!), since this way you can all enjoy reading the answers all together.

3. A Photo Booth
Who doesn’t like to take pictures? And who wouldn’t like to remember a wonderfully fun event again? Photo booths are very popular at events right now. There are machines available to be rented which apply filters to the photos and print them in the moment.
There is also the option of a polaroid camera that prints the photos instantly, so that they can be stuck onto an album at the event itself. This is a fantastic idea, because you will have a fun activity that guests can do and it will keep them entertained, at the end of the event you will already have the memories saved in the album and it will save you the work!
It is also very trendy to use Photo Props in your pictures, which are nothing more than little images with a stick that can be held while the photo is taken. If you also put a table or box with fun accessories for guests to wear, such as feather boas, hats, funny glasses, mustaches, wigs, etc., you can take some hilarious photos and also, then you can use them again when wedding day arrives!
4. The Gossiping Balloons
For this activity you only need paper, pen and a few balloons. It’s about writing a few questions on some pieces of paper, and inserting them into to the balloons. Inflate the balloons and spread them around the room where the event is going to be held.
The idea is to blow up the balloons as the party progresses and the bride has to answer the questions. The bride may decide whether or not to answer the questions, but if she does not, a “punishment” can be imposed, such as drinking a shot of alcohol or putting on a costume accessory.

5. What’s in Your Cell Phone Game
In such a technologically advanced world, it is ridiculous to think that our guests will attend the event without their mobile phones. Now, why not take the opportunity to make it fun for everyone to have a good time?
This game consists of filling in the boxes with the things that the guests have on the mobile, adding a number of points for each item. The one with the highest number of points wins, but the fun part will be to show the evidence to the other guests!

6. Drinking Games
Who are we kidding, most bachelorette parties have alcohol and laughter. In these games there are several rounds and each guest has to have a drink when the phrase in question applies to her. With these games, fun is guaranteed. Of course, some are very spicy! Some of the guests may not drink alcohol, but that’s ok because they can play sipping their favorite drink.
7. Who is this Gift From Game
It is a fantastic game to see if the bride knows her guests well.Each guest must bring a gift for the future bride and each gift must carry a small card. However, instead of putting who it’s from, each guest must write some kind of clue or phrase so that the bride tries to figure out who it comes from.
I recommend that the gifts have some kind of sentimental value, more than material things without any value. It can be a very fun and emotional game.
I wish you a fun Bridal Shower or Hen Party and a wonderful wedding! 🙂